I gave your movie a 5 because I feel your pain. And it was really funny! Can't wait for your next one!
I gave your movie a 5 because I feel your pain. And it was really funny! Can't wait for your next one!
Hey! I'm glad someone thinks so! And if my next one comes out the way I want it, you'll ball your eyes out.
That was really short but funny, I also like your other stuff!
Thanks! As long as people find my movies funny I class it as a success!
That was funny and it seems like there is a lot of angry people out there.
That was pretty good, your art could use improving but the story and music was great!
Thanks alot man. It will all be improved in Part Two
Hi, I'm FourClock I havent finished my first movie yet, but when it's done they'll see, they'll all see ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha!
Age 45, Male
Hamilton, ON
Joined on 7/16/03